8 Things to be Thankful for in Long Beach Island New Jersey

With Thanksgiving and a new presidential term around the corner, this is the perfect time to remember that life ain’t all that bad. Whether you’re a local resident, a summertime guest, or a first-time visitor, you can appreciate just how many things there are to be thankful for in Long Beach Island New Jersey!

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Housing and Hotels

Vacation Guide to Long Beach Island 2017When staying on Long Beach Island NJ, you will always have waterfront views, be steps to the beach, and have easy access to boat docks and fishing piers. Affordable luxury is the name of the game! LBI is an island plentiful with these amenities and more, plus houses and hotels that are simple and affordable. Cheap housing rates means you can save for splurges on vacation fun while you’re here. Check out budget friendly options for Long Beach Island NJ Hotels.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Seafood Restaurants

See food and seafood everywhere on Long Beach Island NJ. The seafood in LBI is arguably the best of the Jersey Shore and many would even say it’s the best on the East Coast. From fine dining to casual, the family friendly seafood restaurants in LBI are never short of freshness. Best seafood on the island? Hands down that’s Ship Bottom Shellfish. You can get your fill of lobster, crab, clams, and oysters year-round since many businesses are open all year.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Great Weather

The weather on Long Beach Island NJ brings tons of visitors year after year. Forget the hot and humid stigma that trails beaches in the summer. Long Beach Island NJ summers range between the high 70s to mid 80s. Those temps mixed with the ocean breeze make for ideal vacationing. The great weather trend goes beyond the summer months. You can have nice 70-something weather through September and sometimes carried into October. Winter temps rarely drop below freezing and annual snowfall averages are around 4 to 8 inches. In the spring, temps range from low 50s to upper 60s with occasional rainy days in LBI.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Fierce Recovery

“Superstorm Sandy” did wreak havoc on the island back in October 2012, but it didn’t keep us down too long. Restorations on Long Beach Island NJ started right away thanks to the amazing resilience of the local community. The island was back up and running for the start of the 2013 summer season. Many businesses took the restoration time as an excuse to give themselves a makeover. New decks, additions, structural reinforcements, colors, and amenities were a few of the updates the local LBI businesses got since Sandy hit.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Clean Beaches

Think what you may of other Jersey shore towns, but you can’t group Long Beach Island in with the grungy, party lifestyle image you may have seen on TV. Long Beach Island keeps their sandy shores clean and the environment is definitely geared towards families with children. Having a clean, safe, and fun place to go is why families vacation to Long Beach Island NJ. Residents and town officials work together to keep this 18 mile long island clean all year round. With ocean winds on one side and bay breezes on the other, Long Beach Island NJ has ample fresh air. The air just got cleaner, too, as several parts of the island passed a no-smoking ban at public beaches, parks, and playgrounds.

Long Beach Island New Jersey

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Amazing Views

As if having a waterfront view from your window isn’t enough, a stay in Long Beach Island NJ offers other amazing views. The island is full of places to view wildlife in nature reserves, fishermen from docks and piers, surfers hanging ten, and sunrises over the Atlantic. Oh, and loads of people watching, too. The best place to see all the beauty and wonder of Long Beach Island NJ is from the top of the Barnegat Lighthouse.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Local Talent

Tourists aside, Long Beach Island NJ locals keep the island buzzing. It’s often the family owned and operated local businesses that draw in those summer crowds. One notable such business is the original Ron Jon Surf Shop in Ship Bottom, where the east coast’s surfing culture started about 60 years ago. More recently, surfer and artist Julie Goldstein has been making waves in the art scene. While she now lives and works out of California, she still credits her humble beginnings in Long Beach Island NJ as her biggest source of inspiration.

  1. Long Beach Island New Jersey’s Healthy Spirit of Competition

Long Beach Island NJ understands that everyone has a competitive side. Whether you participate in a race or contest, or just root for your favorite pick, the island has family friendly events for such competitive fun throughout the year. The LBI Lifeguard races are every July and August. The LBI Sea Glass and Arts Festival every October has prizes for finding the best pieces of sea glass and attempts at breaking the world record for Conch Shell blowing. A newer addition to the island’s competitive line up is the LBI Fly International Kite Festival in early October. You will also see various cooking, boating, and fishing competitions that frequent event calendars along with 5k races.

Thankful for what LBI offers year after year

Vacation Guide to Long Beach Island 2017Feeling thankful yet? We hope so! This list is just a fraction of the things that bring us joy in Long Beach Island NJ. Please share what you’re thankful for in the comments below. Perhaps the thing to be the most thankful for is the good old-fashioned fun and carefree vibe that has lasted in LBI for generations to enjoy.
